Sunday, May 20, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Five Little Piggies
We had a wonderful monthly Relief Society meeting on Tuesday. The theme was based on the “Five Little Piggies” children’s rhyme. There were wonderful speakers, food, and company. Here is a recap of what was taught.
Going to Market: Lindsey Smith shared her tips and tricks on couponing and how to really stretch your dollar. We learned how to save money on food, clothes, toys and hygiene products, as well as some great budgeting tips. She brought various items that she had purchased in the last week, that retail totaled $150 but she only spent less than $10. The items included, a jumbo pack of diapers, boxes of cereal, toothbrushes, a coat and two shirts, a Baby Alive doll (which she scored for $1!), feminine hygiene products, and many more. Lindsey is a fabulous resource if you would like to learn how to budget and coupon.
Staying Home: Cassie Mickelsen taught us the importance of prioritizing our lives, focusing on the most important things. She referenced this talk by Elder Dallin H. Oaks, in which he discusses things that are good, things that are better, and things that are best. Cassie shared some experiences about how she learned to make her children her focus over her growing photography business. She gave a powerful testimony on the importance of putting the things of the Lord first and how life is much more manageable when the Lord and our family is top priority.
Having Roast Beef: Rachel Maw spoke to us about the importance of cooking good, nutritious meals for our family. She focused primarily on finding ways to have home cooked meals. Rachel presented an idea called “Once a Month Cooking.” It is a system where you prepare a month’s worth of meals in one day, freeze the meals, and then you have a home cooked meal ready to go every night of the month. She gave us a sample meal plan, recipes, and a shopping list to get started. Her biggest recommendation, if you want to tackle this, is to do it with a friend. She has done it with a friend for quite a while and she had some great stories to tell. So, if this sounds interesting, contact Rachel, find a friend and start cooking! It will be a great benefit to you and your family.
Having None: Tamara Halls talked to us about “having none.” Whether you actually have none or just feel like you have none (no kids, no self-esteem, no talents, etc.) the antidote is having a positive attitude, being grateful for the things that you do have, and service to others. Tamara told some great stories from her life about actually having none and times when she felt like she had none. Through all of her trials she learned to be grateful for her trials, seek the positive in all situations, and to always being willing to serve and give to others.
Wee, Wee, Wee, All the Way Home: Teresa Throop spoke about having joy in our lives and most especially joy in our homes. President Hinckley once said, “Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.” Teresa gave great insight on understanding different perspectives, especially those of your children. She talked about how stepping back from hard situations and taking a positive perspective on them can make a world of difference in how you react and how you see life. We are meant to have joy in our lives and it is our responsibility to find that joy and enjoy every aspect of our lives.
Overall, we were richly blessed by the talents, experiences and testimonies of the sisters in our ward. If you were unable to make it to the meeting, you were missed and we hope that we will see you next month.
Relief Society Meetings
Friday, May 11, 2012
Sister Spotlight
Meet Nicole Edwards!

I was born and raised in Utah. I lived in Orem, Utah for 18 years. I met my hubby, Chad, in Orem (where he is from as well) at a singles ward activity. My best friend "hooked" us up and we haven't been apart since. We have a little 3-year-old girl named Taylee, who gives us so much joy and many messes. Right now I am a stay at home mom and Chad is a first year DO student at Midwestern University. In the future when Chad is done with school and we have a bit more money I would love to go back to school and get into a dental hygiene program. In the fall I am planning on getting a job as a dental assistant while Taylee goes to preschool.
If I had an hour of free time:
I would probably be blogging or planning the next trip/vacation. My parents like to know what is going on with us since we moved to Arizona so when ever I update my blog about their only grandchild, Taylee, they love it. I love planning things whether it is meals for the week, writing lists on what I need to get done, finding ideas for Taylee's next birthday or planing vacations we may or may not go on. I haven't been out of the country yet but I sure have lots of future plans for it. My Mom's Dad is Dutch and moved to the US from Amsterdam in his 20s. I would love to go to the Netherlands and take my mom to visit where her dad is from and maybe even meet up with some extended family.
Share an experience that has strengthened your testimony:
The power of prayer is so valuable to me in my life. Some of the hardest decisions I have had to make have been made easier with prayer. When we were looking at what medical school Chad should go to I took the decision to my Heavenly Father in prayer. I know we are supposed to be here in Arizona for a reason and I know it isn't a mistake. Since we have moved here I have made amazing friends within our relief society and I am more active in the church and doing what I should. I have also loved being able to be part of the immense service our relief society does. That alone is a strong testimony builder to me that I am where I need to be and that this church and gospel is true.
Dessert - Yumberri yogurt is my new favorite place. I love ice cream and when I can pretend it is healthy for me because it is called "yogurt" it is a double bonus.
Hobbies - Blogging, cooking, crafting, bike rides, hiking, snow boarding and I am sure I am forgetting a few.
Scripture - D&C 14:7 "And, if your keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God." I first heard this scripture when I went to EFY and it was the theme scripture. They put the scripture to the tune of one of Celine Dion's songs and now I can't get it out of my head. I love how short but powerful and true it is. If we ever talk about enduring in Relief Society or Sunday School you may see me lip singing this scripture to my self.
Hymn - There is a green hill far away. When I was first learning how to play the piano this was the first song I could kind of pluck away at. After playing it and reading the words so many times the meaning of the song hit me and it has been a favorite ever since. It isn't the most happy of songs but it is able to ground me and remind me of my Saviors sacrifice for me.
Thanks for sharing with us Nicole!
Sister Spotlight
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