Here is a recap from March's book group meeting by Anslin Ball:

Last week for book group we discussed "These is My Words," a fictional diary of a woman making a life in Arizona in the 1880s and 90s. The book follows Sarah Price from the age of seventeen, traveling across the wild west almost to the age of forty as she settles and raises her family. It was interesting to talk about the similarities between a woman in 1890 and women today. We all had some way to relate to Sarah from the way w feel about our husbands - "I love you every way there is to love a man" - to the way we learn to not worry about blue hand prints on the wall. I think most of what I got from the book was it is possible and brings us greater happiness to be virtuous and strong in that virtue no matter what our circumstances.
Thanks Anslin!
The book for next month is:

Book group will be meeting at Laurie Martin's home on Tuesday, April 17th at 7:30 p.m. Anyone looking for a great discussion on a beautifully written story should make sure to be there!