- Dessert: I don't have just one...I just love dessert!
- Hobbies: Gardening, yard work and slalom skiing, I just wish I had a boat so I could go all the time!
- Scripture: Ether 12: 27
- Hymn: If I had to pick just one: The Spirit of God
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Meet the RS 1st Councelor
Monday, June 18, 2012
Nutrition Lecture
- Trust your child. Children are born with an intuitive ability to eat when they're hungry and self-regulate themselves (no mind battles over food for them). Unfortunately that self-regulation can disappear between ages 3-5 largely through interference of adults.
- It's easy to overestimate what a child can realistically eat. The general rule is 1 T per age of the child. That's not very much!
- The Ellyn Satter approach was the framework for our discussion. Her "Division of Responsibility" for feeding toddlers through adolescents is: The parent is responsible for what food is presented, when, where the child eats and the child is responsible for how much and whether they eat.
- It's important to emphasize to children how food makes you feel. Think about the refreshing/cleansing effect of fresh fruits and vegetables versus the filmy, greasy feel of more processed foods.
- I like Dana's family rule for Halloween candy: Eat what you want but no tummy aches! This allows children to learn to recognize how they feel in response to eating. Also, before leaving the table instead of saying "are you full?" ask "are you hungry?" or "are you satisfied?" ("full" can imply making yourself "filled up" and going over your level of satisfaction).
- We are a child's biggest exemplar. It is important that we show children how to eat and like good food. Our attitudes, even subliminally, can be picked up by children.
Ellyn Satter's Division of Responsibility in Feeding
Parents provide structure, support and opportunities. Children choose how much and whether to eat from what the parents provide.
The Division of Responsibility for Infants:
· The parent is responsible for what
· The child is responsible for how much (and everything else)
The parent helps the infant to be calm and organized and feeds smoothly, paying attention to information coming from the baby about timing, tempo, frequency and amounts
The Division of Responsibility For Toddlers through Adolescents:
· The parent is responsible for what, when, where
· The child is responsible for how much and whether
Parents' Feeding Jobs:
· Choose and prepare the food
· Provide regular meals and snacks
· Make eating times pleasant
· Show children what they have to learn about food and mealtime behavior
· Not let children graze for food or beverages between meal and snack times
· Let children grow up to get bodies that are right for them
Fundamental to parents' jobs is trusting children to decide how much and whether to eat. If parents do their jobs with feeding, children will do their jobs with eating:
· Children will eat
· They will eat the amount they need
· They will learn to eat the food their parents eat
· They will grow predictably
· They will learn to behave well at the table
Copyright 2012 by Ellyn Satter. Published at www.EllynSatter.com
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Southern Hospitality Relief Society Meeting
We hope all of you made it to the Relief Society Meeting last night. It was a great night of service! We made head wraps for women with cancer and headbands for children in the hospital. We also enjoyed a home cooked southern meal. Recipes to follow soon.
Thank you to everyone for your service and a big thanks to the sisters who prepared this meeting for us. We are all so grateful to have this opportunity to serve. Thank you!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Don't forget this Tuesday!
If you have felt, soft fabric, or t-shirts that you would like to donate for making the items, please bring them! A children's class will be provided. See you soon!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Revelation from God to his Children
Thank you to Lora Johnson for teaching a wonderful lesson Sunday about receiving revelation from God in our own lives. Here is a brief summary:
Heavenly Father guides us individually and as a church through the Holy Ghost.
At the beginning of the lesson Lora talked about a powerful experience that George Albert Smith shared in a conference talk about an airplane flight to Salt Lake City. She had a sister summarize the story. This is what she said:
He talks about the flight he was on and how it was really foggy. He couldn't see anything. He thought to himself...How are they flying this plane? We are going to crash. He was really nervous. He asks the pilot, how are we not getting lost? This is really scary. The co-pilot explained that in this head peace they can hear a beep if they get off course of the beam and they hear humming if they are on course. Then they arrived safely.
President Smith closed his story by saying the following:
"Not only has the Lord given us the advice already recorded in the scriptures to guide us but he has placed a leader in this Church, one of his sons who has been chosen and ordained and set apart to be the President. He is our pilot and he will be directed by a voice that will enable him to lead us where we should go. If we are wise we will not set up our judgement against him but will be happy to honor him in his place as long as the Lord Sustains him."
Lora asked us all to think about the fog in our own daily lives. She said the beam is the path to our eternal life and the humming is the Holy Ghost letting us know we are on the right path.
Lora shared this quote by George Albert.
"My advice to you is to get the Spirit of God and keep it and the only way we will retain it is by living near him, by keeping his commandments. Listen to the still small voice that will always direct you if you are worthy of it in a path that means eternal happiness."
Lora asked us all to pray to receive our own revelation about the truths of the church and the commandments. She said we are entilted to know these things. Through prayer and keeping the commandments you will grow closer to Heavenly Father and will be able to receive personal revelations and hear the still small voice to keep you on the path of happiness.
For the complete lesson visit here.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Becoming Truly Converted
Dear Sisters,
Thank you to Sarah Allred for teaching a wonderful lesson on Sunday about being truly converted to the Gospel. Here is a brief summary:
The Gospel is all encompassing and should permeate every aspect of our lives. We need to strive to be truly converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ask yourself this question, “How has your life changed as you have become more or less converted to the Gospel?”
Many sisters shared how their lives have changed as they have become converted to the Gospel. Some of the things that were shared are listed below:
- The Gospel has brought happiness that I never knew existed and that happiness grows each and every day as I strive to live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
- The Gospel brought me exposure to good women who taught me so many great things and most importantly taught me how to be a good mother.
- Remember that conversion is a process. The Gospel has great depth and you understand more as you experience different things in life. Each experience gives us insight and hopefully makes us more humble and grateful for all that we have. Conversion is not one great event, but in the process of life.
- If you want to know if the Gospel is true, live like you believe it and you will get your answer.
- For helps in making decisions that will lead you on the path of true conversion, ask yourself, “In what choice am I going to fine lasing happiness?”
- Have I experienced or witnessed acts of deity in my life? When you do experience such things, which you will recognize as you live close to the Spirit, make sure to record it in your journal. If you record such experiences they can buoy up your testimony and anchor you in times of trials.
- Is your perspective one of hope or fear of the days ahead? Read and study D&C 122 and look for ways in which the Lord was able to change Joseph Smith’s perspective.
- When I see someone else not living the Gospel, is my attitude one of sadness or judgment?
- Do you, like King Benjamin’s people, have no more disposition to do evil but to do good continually?
Meet the New RS President

I am from Ogden Utah. I did my undergraduate work at Weber State University Majoring in Criminal Justice. I then attended and graduated from BYU Law School. My specialty was Criminal Law and I have worked as a Criminal Defense Attorney and as a Prosecuting Attorney. Currently, I am using my skills and background to be a great wife to my husband Jim and mother to my three kids (Carly 16, Kelsey 13, Brady 10). We moved to Arizona when Jim got a job offer to work for Swift Transportation and we have been here sweating it out for 13 years.
2. If you had an hour free time, what might we find you doing?
If I had any free time you wouldn't be able to find me at all because I would be off shopping at Marshalls or TJ Maxx or Target or Home Goods......! If I was trapped at home and had any free time I would definitely be reading. This is a hypothetical question right, who has any free time?
3. Share an experience that has strengthened your testimony or why the gospel is important to you?
I am so very blessed to have grown up in the church so I have had so many great testimony building experiences. Recently, I have been able to share the gospel with a friend and she has asked me so many deep and thought provoking questions. I have searched the scriptures, researched timelines, and emailed stories and articles to help share my beliefs with her but I think I am the one that has really benefited the most. I have been able to really ponder about some of our foundational principals and write down those thoughts and my testimony as I share information with her. I have never before shared so much of my personal thoughts and feelings about the gospel and it has been one of my very favorite testimony building experiences.
4. What are your following favorites:
Dessert-coconut cream pie or chocolate ANYTHING.
Hobbies-painting and refinishing furniture, reading, and shopping
Scripture- 3 Nephi 19-21
19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and thieves break through and steal;
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.