I am from Ogden Utah. I did my undergraduate work at Weber State University Majoring in Criminal Justice. I then attended and graduated from BYU Law School. My specialty was Criminal Law and I have worked as a Criminal Defense Attorney and as a Prosecuting Attorney. Currently, I am using my skills and background to be a great wife to my husband Jim and mother to my three kids (Carly 16, Kelsey 13, Brady 10). We moved to Arizona when Jim got a job offer to work for Swift Transportation and we have been here sweating it out for 13 years.
2. If you had an hour free time, what might we find you doing?
If I had any free time you wouldn't be able to find me at all because I would be off shopping at Marshalls or TJ Maxx or Target or Home Goods......! If I was trapped at home and had any free time I would definitely be reading. This is a hypothetical question right, who has any free time?
3. Share an experience that has strengthened your testimony or why the gospel is important to you?
I am so very blessed to have grown up in the church so I have had so many great testimony building experiences. Recently, I have been able to share the gospel with a friend and she has asked me so many deep and thought provoking questions. I have searched the scriptures, researched timelines, and emailed stories and articles to help share my beliefs with her but I think I am the one that has really benefited the most. I have been able to really ponder about some of our foundational principals and write down those thoughts and my testimony as I share information with her. I have never before shared so much of my personal thoughts and feelings about the gospel and it has been one of my very favorite testimony building experiences.
4. What are your following favorites:
Dessert-coconut cream pie or chocolate ANYTHING.
Hobbies-painting and refinishing furniture, reading, and shopping
Scripture- 3 Nephi 19-21
19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and thieves break through and steal;
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.