1. Tell us about you and your family. (for example...where are you from? What is your career? Where did you go to school/major? Are you married? What does your husband do? Do you have any children? What are their ages? etc.)
Husband: Greg - 2nd year DO student @ Midwestern, Graduate of Utah State University in
Me: Sarah - Graduate of BYU in Music Education with an emphasis in Band. I am currently a
Family & Couples Photographer + a MOM! :)
We have 1 daughter: Macy - she is 3, and her favorite thing to do is Ride the CITY BUS!
2. If you had an hour free time, what might we find you doing?
Munching Nutella + graham crackers while playing a board game with my Greg.
3. Share an experience that has strengthened your testimony or why the gospel is important to you?
As a 15 year-old girl I attended EFY at Rick College (wow..that dates me!). During that week I was incredibly jealous of a girl in my group. She was STUNNING, fun, a cheerleader, outgoing, and kind. She was everything I wanted to be. I admired her from a distance the entire week. Near the end of my EFY experience we were sharing our testimonies with each other about how we knew God loved us, and knew us as individuals. This girl whom I admired, bore her testimony that she knew God was aware of her. She had been getting ready for their biggest cheerleading competition of the year, and could not find her sock! Her precious socks! They had to match the rest of the girls socks for the competition and she was panicked. At this point, she knelt to pray. (In my mind I was thinking......Really? Praying about socks??) Needless to say, He did hear her. He did answer her prayers. She closed her prayers and within moments, found the socks that were so important to her. This is one of the earliest memories I have of my testimony bursting inside of me. It seems such a small story, now - looking back - but I know that sweet girls testimony was a starting point of my very own. :)
4. What are your following favorites:
· Dessert: Lemon Bars OR BYU Brownies.
· Hobbies: I love Broadway tunes, organizing, amazon.com
· Hymn: Abide with Me 'Tis Eventide