Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Trek to Salt Lake - Fitness Challenge

Our stake is doing a Trek to Salt Lake Fitness Challenge to encourage members to get out and be active. Wards will be competing to see how many individuals they can move the 1,297 mile distance from Nauvoo to Salt Lake. The challenge will conclude in October when we will be doing a Stake 5K fun run.

Trek to Salt Lake miles can be earned as follows:
1 mile point for each mile run/walked
1 mile point for each 3 miles cycling
1 mile point for each 10 minutes of hiking
1 mile point for each 15 minutes of aerobic class or cardio machine
1 mile point for each 10 minutes lap swimming

Members should individually report by emailing their miles to trektosaltlake@gmail.com.  Each week we will add up the miles reported from each ward and post the standings on our Glendale North Athletics Facebook page. Which you can access here.