Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Honduras Service Project

Dear Sisters,

Thank you to all those who were able to come and make the Honduras Service Project a big success.  We had a great evening.  Thank you to Alejandra for your example and giving us this amazing opportunity to serve the children in Honduras.  Here are some photos that highlight the evening.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Meet Ashley Pugmire

Thanks so much for sharing with us Ashley. We are excited to get to know you!

1.  Tell us about you and your family:

I was born and raised in Glendale, AZ, I went to Ironwood High School then during my senior year I also attended Maricopa Beauty College getting a degree in Nail Technology.I actually graduated beauty school before High School. After High School I went to Glendale Community College and started my Computerized Graphics Design degree. In January 2003 I met Kelvin at the Glendale Institute a few days after he got home from his mission. We started dating the end of February and were married June 7, 2003. We have 2 children Hailee (8) and Payton (5). Hais is super Artsy/Crafty and Paytie loves technology: the IPad, computer, etc.

Kelvin is a Production manager at Penske Automotive Collision. He's pretty much been in the collision repair business his entire life. He grew up in Bellevue and Redmond Washington. Then moved to Farmington, UT for 3 months, then to Walnut, California. His family moved to AZ during his senior year and he decided to stay and live with some friends. When school was over he moved to Phoenix then left for his mission a few months later.

2.  If you had an hour of free time, what might we find you doing?

In my free time you'll probably find me on the computer, reading a book, or playing Mahjong (it's my new obsession). And there is usually music on in the background. 

3.  Share an experience that has strengthened your testimony or why the gospel is important to you:

When I was 14 I became inactive due to some of my young women advisers. I'd go to church with my family but usually be in the hallway or hiding in the bathroom. I struggled with this for most of my teenage years. I'm grateful however though that I went through this because it's made me the person I am today. I'm more understanding of those that struggle with going to church or have been offended by another because I have lived it. Leaving and then coming back has strengthened my testimony by allowing me to see the good the gospel brings into my life. I lost my dad right after I started dating Kelvin. I am so grateful that I have the gospel and what the atonement has done in my life to help me heal. 

4.  What are your following favorites?

Dessert: Chocolate Chip Cookies (I don't make them often because I will sit and eat the entire pan in one sitting - I LOVE THEM!)

Hobbies: Edit Photos, Crafts, Make Bows

Scripture: 1 Nephi 3:7 I had to give this scripture in my primary program when I was a kid. Over the years the meaning of it just gives me so much comfort to know he will always provide a way.

Hymn: O My Father and I Know That My Redeemer Lives

Friday, October 19, 2012

Guest Post: Favorite Recipe Butterscotch Pie from Laurie Martin

The recipe cards are the cards Laurie's mom used as she was growing up.

Thanks so much for sharing Laurie!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Guest Post: FHE lesson ideas from Amy Tenney

My kids favorite FHE is when we get out the scripture dress up costumes and act out scripture stories. We made the dress up clothes out of pillowcases and old sheets, and tie ribbons around their waists and heads: We narrate the story as we go along and they say little parts. They are not into sitting down for a formal lesson, but love to act out stories. And then of course the treat. That's really their favorite part.

Another one they really liked was this: Get a bowl of ice cream. White, sweet , delicious. Then say the ice cream is like their life. Let's say your mom asked you to clean your room and you said you did, but you really didn't. (Pour mustard on the ice cream) Let's say you hit your brother (scoop onions on top) Continue on with poor choices you might be facing at home with other toppings like ketchup, salad dressing etc. Then get out a new bowl of ice cream. This time you shared! (pour chocolate sauce) and you obeyed the first time (sprinkles) and you were kind to your neighbor (strawberries). Talk about how our good choices make our life sweet. Have ice cream sundaes for the treat.


Meet Pam Wood

Thanks so much for sharing with us Pam.  We are excited to get to know you!

1.  Tell us about you and your family. 

I was born in Colorado, but I have been here in Glendale since I was 10. I went to nail school after high school. I do some now and then, but I wouldn't call it a career. My career is my family...oh, and I have been a Stampin Up demonstrator for the last 5 years, I do a monthly class at my pays for my habit.

My husband and I have been married for almost 11 years. We have 4 children. Jake is 14, Lily is 10, Ben is 7 and Kyle is almost 2. If you are doing the math on Jake, I was married before wink. We have been in the Bellair Ward for a little over a year now. Before this we were in the Foothills Ward.

2.  If you had an hour free time, what might we find you doing?

If I had an hour of free time, and dinner was already cooked, and the house was already clean, I could be crafting...or on pinterest dreaming of crafting.  I don't normally have an hour of free time.

3. Share an experience that has strengthened your testimony or why the gospel is important to you:

I would say that a Spiritual experience that strengthened my testimony would have been going through the Temple with Bill. We seemed to have such a hard time getting there, and since we have been, I feel like our lives have really changed.  It was like Satan was really trying to not let it happen. But we kept working and now we are so blessed! I feel like our relationship is so much stronger, as well as the Spirit in our home. 

4.  What are your following favorites:

My favorite dessert is anything chocolate.

Hobbies: My hobbies are any and all crafts.  I love to make stuff! I also like to watch movies with my husband.

Scripture: My favorite scripture is D&C 1231: 7-8

7: My son, peace be unto they soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
8: And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.

Hymn: My favorite hymn is A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday to....

We hope you all have an amazing birthday this month!

It is nice to be remembered on your birthday, so if you get a chance, call these sisters on their special day and let them know how much they are loved and appreciated.

October newsletter is here!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Guest Post: FHE Lesson from Dana Cox

I grew up in a blended family--his, hers, ours, and who knows whose (4 of us are adopted).  There was a lot of bickering and fighting as people adjusted to being all together.  I remember a family home evening lesson my step-mother gave on speaking kindly.  She shared the scripture from Proverbs, 'A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger.'  Then she showed us a long piece of fabric that she had made to have a pocket for each member of our family.  There was one extra pocket that held slips of paper and pencils.  We each wrote an 'appreciation note' to every member of the family.  We were supposed to write at least one note each day for some period of time (can't remember how long).   In my memory that was a real turning point for our family.  I'm sure we still bickered and argued, but I have the greatest regard for each of my siblings and I cherish my childhood memories.  I think that is partly because of the blessing it was to me to recognize the good in my siblings and to have them point out good qualities in me.  


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Come on down. You're the next contestant on the Price is Right!

Dear Sisters,

We had a fun time Tuesday night at the monthly Relief Society meeting playing Price is Right, eating yummy food and enjoying each others company.  Here are some pictures to highlight the evening.  Thank you to everyone for coming and to all those who helped organize this event.  We hope to see everyone at the next event.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bob Barker is coming to town...

When: September 11th
Time: 6:30 pm

Yummy nacho bar for dinner.

Child care provided.

Come and enjoy a night of fun with the sisters in our ward!

Meet Marni Cochran

Thanks so much for sharing with us Marni.  We are excited to get to know you!

1.  Tell us about you and your family. 

My husband Scott and I have been blissfully married for just over 2 years. He finished his undergraduate degree at BYU in April and is attending Midwestern University in the DO program. I was studying business at Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR before we were married and have been working for State Farm Insurance for the last 4+ years. We also both got called as Primary teachers, so you won't see too much of me in Relief Society frown

2.  If you had an hour free time, what might we find you doing?

In my free time I enjoy spending time with friends and family, reading tons of books, and watching drama shows like the Bachelor/Bachelorette and Grey's Anatomy. My husband and I also enjoy camping, hiking, and traveling together.

3. Share an experience that has strengthened your testimony or why the gospel is important to you?

When I was 17, my older sister passed away unexpectedly. As I was searching for comfort that day, I read in 2 Nephi 9:4- "... our flesh must waste away and die; nevertheless in our bodies we shall see God." The whole point of the Gospel for me, from that moment on, has been to return home to be with my family forever, and to see my sister in a perfect body like she did not have here on Earth. Every other principle in the Gospel points to that wonderful plan of happiness that leads us back to our Father.

4.  What are your following favorites:

Desserts:  I like just about anything sweet. I'd have to say that my favorite dessert right now is plain ol' Oreos and milk-- I just can't get enough! Or chocolate banana smoothies- Yum!
Hobbies: Reading, sewing quilts...
Scripture: 2 Nephi 9 or 3 Nephi 17 (whole chapters)
Hymn: probably How Firm a Foundation or I Stand All Amazed, or Jesus, Lover of my Soul

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A lesson about Friendship

Thank you Krista Stone for the amazing lesson you taught today.

Here is a brief summary:

By: Elder Monte J. Brough of the Seventy

Friendship is a wonderful gift.  The more often we give it, the more often we receive it.  I hope we are all grateful for quality friends. And may we all seek to be truly good friends-to bring out the best in each other and help each other live righteous lives.

What are some qualities that you look for in a good friend?

Loyalty, kindness, thoughtfulness, humor, ability to listen, strong testimony

Latter-day Saint women, strong in faith and testimony, have truly been given the "errand of angels." Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught: "Every sister in this church who has made covenants with the Lord has a divine mandate to help save souls, to lead the women of the world, to strengthen the homes of Zion, and to build the kingdom of God."

What are some of the trials we go through where we could use the support of a good friend"

Cancer, death of spouse or family member, infertility, depression, loneliness, health problems, divorce, suicide, financial responsibilities, out of work, drug abuse

The fellowship of  true friends who can hear you out, share your joys, help carry your burdens, and correctly counsel you is priceless.  For one who has been in the prison of depression, the words of the Prophet Joseph Smith have special meaning when he said, "How sweet the voice of a friend is; one token of friendship from any source whatever awakens and calls into action every sympathetic feeling." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 134.)

President Ezra Taft Benson said, "To lose yourself in righteous service to others can lift your sights and get your mind off personal problems, or at least put them in proper focus. "When you find yourselves a little gloomy, said President Lorenzo Snow, "look around you and find somebody that is in a worse plight than yourself; go to him and find out what the trouble is, then try to remove it with the wisdom which the lord bestows upon you; and the first thing you know, your gloom is gone, you feel light, the Spirit of the Lord is upon you, and everything seems illuminated."

September Newsletter is here!

Meet Jess Larsen

Thanks so much for sharing with us Jess!  We are excited to get to know you.

1.  Tell us about you and your family. (for example...where are you from? What is your career?  Where did you go to school/major? Are you married? What does your husband do? Do you have any children? What are their ages? etc.)

 I'm from Orange County, CA. I recently graduated from BYU in English and editing. Before moving to Arizona, I worked as an editor at the Friend (the Church magazine), and I still freelance for them--writing stories and activities, editing articles, and working with their website. I'm also starting a business editing college admission essays. I'm married to David Larsen, the MOST AMAZING guy in the world! He's from Dallas, Texas, and we dated in our freshman ward at BYU. After 3 years of letters (we both served missions--I served in Palmyra, New York), we started dating again and got engaged 2 months later! He just started the DO program at Midwestern. 

2.  If you had an hour free time, what might we find you doing?

If I had an hour of free time, I would definitely be reading! I go to the library more than I go to the grocery store!

3. Share an experience that has strengthened your testimony or why the gospel is important to you?

This might sound weird, but my unorthodox courthship with David strengthened my testimony! I really liked him, and we had written steadily for over a year when I received a very strong impression that I needed to serve a mission. It didn't make sense at all--I was sure I would never see David again! (Our missions overlapped by three months.) But I felt I should go, so I put in my papers. My mission changed my life, and then I came home and David was still here, so I got to marry him anyway. It taught me that the Lord has a plan, and even if it doesn't make sense to me, I can have complete faith and trust in Him. Things will work out as they should--and when they should.

4.  What are your following favorites:

Desserts: fudge brownies or chocolate chip cookies. Actually, I've never met a dessert I haven't liked!
Hobbies: reading, watching movies with David, working out, traveling
Scripture: 2 Nephi 31:20
Hymn: "How Firm a Foundation"
Favorite quote: "Dismiss the destructive, and keep dismissing it until the beauty of the Atonement of Christ has revealed to you your bright future" --Jeffrey R. Holland

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday to.....

2- Jessica Christensen
6- Vickey Lynne Dotson
6- Barbara Toomer
12- Melissa McAffe
12- Erin Dame
14- Julie Chrisman
14- Lillie Brower
14- Faith Burger
14- Shelly Lucas
15- Roberta Bradley
17- Sandy Johnson
26- Judy Farley
28- Becky Chesley
29- Kristy Budge

We hope you all have an amazing birthday this month!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday to.....

August 5: Jodi Hagerman
August 7: Rayna Boyack
August 9: Carolyn Krieger
August 10: Laurel Phillips
August 12: Zola Anderson
August 14: Crystal Stayner
August 15: Dana Erickson
August 16: Cassondra Glaze
August 17: Barb Charon
August 20: Katherine Bowen
August 22: Candace Berger
August 22: Cortney Skouson
August 23: Donna McCannon
August 23: Kiana Shipley
August 24: Cari Wilkins
August 24: Natalie Daminano
August 24: Nancy McKnight
August 25: Amanda Harmon
August 26: Breanne Reese
August 28: Kristine Harper
August 20: Lorna Sears

We hope you all have an amazing birthday this month!

It is nice to be remembered on your birthday, so if you get a chance, call these sisters on their special day and let them know how much they are loved and appreciated.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Meet the RS Secretary

Julie Gundersen

Thanks so much for sharing with us Julie.  We are excited to get to know you!

1.  Tell us about you and your family. (for example...where are you from? What is your career?  Where did you go to school/major? Are you married? What does your husband do? Do you have any children? What are their ages? etc.)  

I am from  the thriving metropolis of Kemmerer Wyoming, a town of 2,000 people that prides itself in being the founder of JCPenny. I went to school at Ogden Institute of Massage Therapy. I've been married to Broc for 6 years, and its been the most wonderful years ever! Broc is going dental school and just started his 3rd year. We have two energetic little boys Beckham 3 and Crew 2. We also have baby #3 due November 20th.

2.  If you had an hour free time, what might we find you doing? 

Reading or Sewing

3. Share an experience that has strengthened your testimony or why the gospel is important to you? 

The gospel is important to me for so many reasons. I guess lately I have been seeing the people in my family who are inactive and their struggle to find a "moral code." I am thankful for a prophet who speaks to our Father in Heaven and gives us guidance in such a difficult world.

4.  What are your following favorites:

  • Dessert- Love everything sweet
  • Hobbies-sewing, crafting, reading, spending time with my husband and kiddos, the outdoors, wakeboarding ect.
  • scripture- The parable of the Prodigical Son. Always makes me stop and think, as well as get misty eyed.
  • Hymn- I stand all amazed

Sunday, July 15, 2012

How to Share the Gospel Effectively

Thank you Jessica Christensen for the wonderful lesson you taught today.  The Spirit was so strong. If you missed this lesson, please visit here to read it. It's a good lesson for all of us.

Here is a brief summary of the lesson:

"I would not seek to force people to live up to my ideas but rather love them into doing the thing that is right." George Albert Smith

Jessica talked about how we need to bless every soul we come in contact with and not judge them, love them and invite them to feel the spirit through your actions and thoughts. 

Here are the key points of the lesson:

1) Daily, seek to attain charity for all men

2) Gain/solidify personal testimony

3) live with true happiness

4) Acknowledge already existing strengths and virtues in others

5) Using existing strengths and virtues as a foundation, present the more complete truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ with boldness and kindness

Come celebrate Pioneer Day with us!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Meet the RS 2nd Councelor

Sarah Allred

Thanks so much for sharing with us Sarah. We are excited to get to know you!

1. Tell us about you and your family. (for example...where are you from? What is your career? Where did you go to school/major? Are you married? What does your husband do? Do you have any children? What are their ages? etc.)

Husband: Greg - 2nd year DO student @ Midwestern, Graduate of Utah State University in


Me: Sarah - Graduate of BYU in Music Education with an emphasis in Band. I am currently a

Family & Couples Photographer + a MOM! :)

We have 1 daughter: Macy - she is 3, and her favorite thing to do is Ride the CITY BUS!

2. If you had an hour free time, what might we find you doing?

Munching Nutella + graham crackers while playing a board game with my Greg.

3. Share an experience that has strengthened your testimony or why the gospel is important to you?

As a 15 year-old girl I attended EFY at Rick College (wow..that dates me!). During that week I was incredibly jealous of a girl in my group. She was STUNNING, fun, a cheerleader, outgoing, and kind. She was everything I wanted to be. I admired her from a distance the entire week. Near the end of my EFY experience we were sharing our testimonies with each other about how we knew God loved us, and knew us as individuals. This girl whom I admired, bore her testimony that she knew God was aware of her. She had been getting ready for their biggest cheerleading competition of the year, and could not find her sock! Her precious socks! They had to match the rest of the girls socks for the competition and she was panicked. At this point, she knelt to pray. (In my mind I was thinking......Really? Praying about socks??) Needless to say, He did hear her. He did answer her prayers. She closed her prayers and within moments, found the socks that were so important to her. This is one of the earliest memories I have of my testimony bursting inside of me. It seems such a small story, now - looking back - but I know that sweet girls testimony was a starting point of my very own. :)

4. What are your following favorites:

· Dessert: Lemon Bars OR BYU Brownies.

· Hobbies: I love Broadway tunes, organizing,

· Scripture: D & C 15: 6-And now, behold, I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father. Amen

· Hymn: Abide with Me 'Tis Eventide

Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday to.....

We hope you all have a fabulous birthday this month!

It is nice to be remembered on your birthday, so if you get a chance, call these sisters on their special day and let them know how much they are loved and appreciated.

July newsletter is here!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Meet the RS 1st Councelor

Jill Bodily

Thanks so much for sharing with us Jill. We are excited to get to know you!

1.  Tell us about you and your family. (for example...where are you from? What is your career?  Where did you go to school/major? Are you married? What does your husband do? Do you have any children? What are their ages? etc.)

I was born in Thousand Oaks, California.  We lived there for 5 years. Then we moved to St. George, Utah, where I grew up.
I moved to Arizona two years ago with my family so that my husband, Kevin, could attend Midwestern University. He is in the Dental program.  We moved here from Frederick, Colorado.  We lived in Colorado for 11 years while Kevin was working as a computer programmer at IBM.  Colorado was so good to us. We are now enjoying this exciting and challenging adventure that has us here in Arizona.  We have four children: Cole-about to be 11, Ethan-age 7, Isabel(Izzy)-age 5, and Ashton-age 3.
I met Kevin while we where attending Utah State University.  We were both juniors, I was in the pre-Veterinary program, but my last year I decided that was not the path for me and changed to Dental Hygiene.  We were married for one year while attending USU.  When Kevin graduated, he was offered a job at IBM and we moved to Colorado.  I never finished my degree, but have a very fulfilling career as a mother and wife.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  I have thought if I were to go back to school, I would love to learn about Landscape design.  I love being outside and and growing beautiful plants.

2.  If you had an hour free time, what might we find you doing?

If I ever have an hour of free time during the day, I wouldn't know what I'd do. I can't sit still! If I have free time at night, I love to relax with a good movie.

3. Share an experience that has strengthened your testimony or why the gospel is important to you?

Moving to Arizona was a really challenging experience for me.  I had to leave my friends and a place I loved a lot to come to a place that for me meant uncertanty.  Going from a very comfortable income to no income, with my kids uprooted--just so many trials all at once.  I knew that this move would bring hard times, I just didn't know how hard it would hit me.  However, through all that I went through over the last two years, I learned that My Heavenly Father is very much aware of me.  I have felt his loving arms around me through my struggles. I know without a doubt that He answers prayers and will be there for us if we ask Him. 

4.  What are your following favorites:
  • Dessert: I don't have just one...I just love dessert!
  • Hobbies: Gardening, yard work and slalom skiing, I just wish I had a boat so I could go all the time!
  • Scripture: Ether 12: 27 
  • Hymn: If I had to pick just one: The Spirit of God

Monday, June 18, 2012

Nutrition Lecture

Here is a recap, by Stephanie Bennion, from the Nutrition Lecture that was given last Wednesday:

Last Wednesday Sister Dana Cox gave an informative, informal lecture on family feeding structure. This kind of information is so applicable to pretty much everyone! We all eat and unfortunately this necessity of life that is meant to be a pleasure becomes a confusing and frustrating daily event for many people. Some stand-out thoughts I will remember include:
  • Trust your child. Children are born with an intuitive ability to eat when they're hungry and self-regulate themselves (no mind battles over food for them). Unfortunately that self-regulation can disappear between ages 3-5 largely through interference of adults.
  • It's easy to overestimate what a child can realistically eat. The general rule is 1 T per age of the child. That's not very much!
  • The Ellyn Satter approach was the framework for our discussion. Her "Division of Responsibility" for feeding toddlers through adolescents is: The parent is responsible for what food is presented, when, where the child eats and the child is responsible for how much and whether they eat.
  • It's important to emphasize to children how food makes you feel. Think about the refreshing/cleansing effect of fresh fruits and vegetables versus the filmy, greasy feel of more processed foods.
  • I like Dana's family rule for Halloween candy: Eat what you want but no tummy aches! This allows children to learn to recognize how they feel in response to eating. Also, before leaving the table instead of saying "are you full?" ask "are you hungry?" or "are you satisfied?" ("full" can imply making yourself "filled up" and going over your level of satisfaction).
  • We are a child's biggest exemplar. It is important that we show children how to eat and like good food. Our attitudes, even subliminally, can be picked up by children.
A follow up discussion/lecture is a possibility for the upcoming fall. Stay tuned for that and in the meantime don't hesitate to discuss this topic with Sis. Cox - she is passionate about it and loves sharing ideas with others. Thanks Dana and thank you those who attended!

Thanks for sharing Stephanie!

Below you will find Dana's notes from the meeting:

Ellyn Satter's Division of Responsibility in Feeding

Parents provide structure, support and opportunities. Children choose how much and whether to eat from what the parents provide.

The Division of Responsibility for Infants:

· The parent is responsible for what

· The child is responsible for how much (and everything else)

The parent helps the infant to be calm and organized and feeds smoothly, paying attention to information coming from the baby about timing, tempo, frequency and amounts

The Division of Responsibility For Toddlers through Adolescents:

· The parent is responsible for what, when, where

· The child is responsible for how much and whether

Parents' Feeding Jobs:

· Choose and prepare the food

· Provide regular meals and snacks

· Make eating times pleasant

· Show children what they have to learn about food and mealtime behavior

· Not let children graze for food or beverages between meal and snack times

· Let children grow up to get bodies that are right for them

Fundamental to parents' jobs is trusting children to decide how much and whether to eat. If parents do their jobs with feeding, children will do their jobs with eating:

· Children will eat

· They will eat the amount they need

· They will learn to eat the food their parents eat

· They will grow predictably

· They will learn to behave well at the table

Copyright 2012 by Ellyn Satter. Published at