Monday, July 14, 2014

Meet Rowena Boice

Thank you for sharing Rowena! We are excited to get to know you.

I’m Rowena Boice and I am from the Philippines. I went to BYU-Hawaii where I met my wonderful husband Kent.  I graduated with an Associates in Communication Studies. I am fluent in (Tagalog and Kapampangan) native dialects. We have two beautiful kids: Joshua Kent 13 and Kealani Angela 5 going on 6 pretty soon. Kent works for Nautilus Insurance in Scottsdale as a Systems Support Specialist. He does computers, servers and laptops. On my free time, I hangout in my kitchen making food for the army, looking for deals at the grocery stores. I love to bake all sorts or stuff. I love to sing (esp. in the van when the kids are gone or when I am home without the kids), decorate, paint, do puzzles, visit my family. I love being a stay at home mom. I was previously a paraprofessional in the school district and would love to go back to work soon.

Dessert- we would go for Culvers ice cream, Coldstone, Gelatospot, brownies and Hershey kisses with macadamia nuts/almonds

Hobbies- singing, interior decorating( painting), making cakes on birthdays, scrapbooking, making handcrafted cards, hanging out with my family.

Season- winter and spring. I have always dreamed of having a beautiful backyard filled with flowers, vegetables. I would love some amount of rain.

My favorite one is Ether 12-27,” And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me, for if they humble themselves before me and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

Favorite Hymn- “I Stand All Amazed” it helps me to understand the Atonement. “Through Deepening Trials” helps me to be strong in my shortcomings, and another favorite, “Count Your blessings.”

An experience that strengthened my testimony- I think it was during my parents conversion to the gospel back in 1975 in the Philippines when two missionaries from Salt Lake shared the truthfulness of the gospel in their home. I am thankful for my mom and dad and their great example of bringing the light of gospel into our home. Attending Seminary and Institute has helped me understand how the Savior loves me as I learn and grow. My whole experience going to a church-based university has helped me to be strong, work hard and to be closer to my Father in Heaven. I love the church and would like to be an example to my own children and family and follow the teachings of the Savior.

July Relief Society Meeting

This month we had potluck salads at Rachel Maw's house. Thank you to everyone who planned and prepared this meeting and shared their tasty salads! Also, a big thank you to Rachel for opening her home to us. It was deliciously fun!