Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Movie Night!

Dear Sisters,
Last week we enjoyed a great Relief Society Meeting where we watched the 5000 Day Project movie Two Brothers. If you missed it you can visit http://twobrothersthemovie.com/ to see what the 5000 Day Project is all about. It was an inspiring night filled with good food and great company. Thank you to all the sisters who worked hard putting this event together. The Oreo popcorn was a hit! Check the Recipe tab to the right to get the recipe.

White Chocolate Oreo Popcorn

White Chocolate Oreo Popcorn

  • 1 bag of popcorn (homestyle/butter)
  • 15 Oreos
  • 1 cup white chocolate
  • 2-1/2 cups marshmallows
  • 1T butter (optional)
1. Pop popcorn according to package directions
2. Finely crush Oreos 
3. Melt the butter, white chocolate and marshmallows on the stove, stirring constantly, until melted and a smooth consistency
4. Place popped popcorn and crushed Oreos in the melted chocolate mixture and mix quickly until evenly coated

Thanks Rayna Boyack for the recipe!
If you have a recipe you would like to share on the blog e-mail Camille at camcam85630@hotmail.com