Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sunday Lesson Synopsis

If you were not in RS on Sunday, we missed you!  Here is a very brief synopsis of the lesson: 

TFOT lesson: You Matter to Him by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf:  taught by Amber McBride

We Are Not Forgotten

Another way Satan deceives is through discouragement. He attempts to focus our sight on our own insignificance until we begin to doubt that we have much worth. He tells us that we are too small for anyone to take notice, that we are forgotten—especially by God.

…At the time, Big Spring, despite its name, was a small, insignificant, and unknown place. And I often felt exactly the same way about myself—insignificant, unknown, and quite alone. Even so, I never once wondered if the Lord had forgotten me or if He would ever be able to find me there. I knew that it didn’t matter to Heavenly Father where I was, where I ranked with others in my pilot training class, or what my calling in the Church was. What mattered to Him was that I was doing the best I could, that my heart was inclined toward Him, and that I was willing to help those around me. I knew if I did the best I could, all would be well.
And all was well.15
The Lord doesn’t care at all if we spend our days working in marble halls or stable stalls. He knows where we are, no matter how humble our circumstances. He will use—in His own way and for His holy purposes—those who incline their hearts to Him.
God knows that some of the greatest souls who have ever lived are those who will never appear in the chronicles of history. They are the blessed, humble souls who emulate the Savior’s example and spend the days of their lives doing good.16

You Matter to Him

My dear brothers and sisters, it may be true that man is nothing in comparison to the greatness of the universe. At times we may even feel insignificant, invisible, alone, or forgotten. But always remember—you matter to Him! If you ever doubt that, consider these four divine principles:

First, God loves the humble and meek, for they are “greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”17

Second, the Lord entrusts “the fulness of [His] gospel [to] be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world.”18 He has chosen “the weak things of the world [to] come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones”19 and to put to shame “the things which are mighty.”20

Third, no matter where you live, no matter how humble your circumstances, how meager your employment, how limited your abilities, how ordinary your appearance, or how little your calling in the Church may appear to you, you are not invisible to your Heavenly Father. He loves you. He knows your humble heart and your acts of love and kindness. Together, they form a lasting testimony of your fidelity and faith.

Fourth and finally, please understand that what you see and experience now is not what forever will be. You will not feel loneliness, sorrow, pain, or discouragement forever. We have the faithful promise of God that He will neither forget nor forsake those who incline their hearts to Him.21 Have hope and faith in that promise. Learn to love your Heavenly Father and become His disciple in word and in deed.

Be assured that if you but hold on, believe in Him, and remain faithful in keeping the commandments, one day you will experience for yourselves the promises revealed to the Apostle Paul: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”22

Brothers and sisters, the most powerful Being in the universe is the Father of your spirit. He knows you. He loves you with a perfect love.
God sees you not only as a mortal being on a small planet who lives for a brief season—He sees you as His child. He sees you as the being you are capable and designed to become. He wants you to know that you matter to Him.

May we ever believe, trust, and align our lives so that we will understand our true eternal worth and potential. May we be worthy of the precious blessings our Heavenly Father has in store for us is my prayer in the name of His Son, even Jesus Christ, amen.

Sister Spotlight

Meet Alejandra Frost!

I am from Honduras, I learned English in High School and then was able to practice it a lot while working at the US Embassy in my hometown Tegucigalpa. I think it could be better by now if my husband didn't speak Spanish, but he does and so we speak half and half most of the time.  All my family is in Honduras and yes i miss them a lot, but Skype is my best friend :) i get to see them everyday. Ryan and I  moved here to AZ because we started a technology business. I'll start attending ASU this Summer and i will be working on a degree called Non profit Leadership and Management. We're are also starting a non profit organization to help the less fortunate children in Honduras by providing them with full scholarships to obtain a quality education. I'm very excited about this!

Here are a few more questions we asked Alejandra to get to know her even better:

1.  Tell us about you and your family. (for example...where are you from? What is your career?  Where did you go to school/major? Are you married? What does your husband do? etc.)

I am from Honduras, I learned English in High School and then was able to practice it a lot while working at the US Embassy in my hometown Tegucigalpa. I think it could be better by now if my husband didn't speak Spanish, but he does and so we speak half and half most of the time.  All my family is in Honduras and yes i miss them a lot, but Skype is my best friend :) i get to see them everyday. Ryan and I  moved here to AZ because we started a technology business. I'll start attending ASU this Summer and i will be working on a degree called Non profit Leadership and Management. We're are also starting a non profit organization to help the less fortunate children in Honduras by providing them with full scholarships to obtain a quality education. I'm very excited about this!

2.  If you had an hour free time, what might we find you doing? 

Talking on Skype with my family

3. Share an experience that has strengthened your testimony or why the gospel is important to you?

Several years ago i was praying for something i desire so much, it was a righteous desire and i was sure that Heavenly Father was going to grant it to me. I was so happy about it that i had already started making plans, but my surprise didn't last for too long when i got a NO for an answer. I remember how sad I was, I cried and cried for hours, I felt hopeless, I felt alone, I even thought that Heavenly Father didn't hear my prayers.

During that moment a thought came to my mind that I should go check my mail so I did and to my surprise there I found the Ensign, at the beginning I must admit I didn’t even want to open it, I was still crying, but something told me to open it and reluctantly I did.  I started reading the first presidency’s message which was written by Pres. Uchtdorf as soon as I started to read it the Holy Ghost filled my heart again with hope and joy.  All the sadness I had was gone and now my heart was again rejuvenated after I read this paragraph: “The answers to our prayers come in the Lord’s due time. Sometimes we may become frustrated that the Lord has delayed answering our prayers. In such times we need to understand that He knows what we do not know. He sees what we do not see. Trust in Him. He knows what is best for His child, and being a perfect God, He will answer our prayers perfectly and in the perfect time.”

Those words brought a perfect reassurance that my Father was very aware of me and my righteous desires, that He was listening to my prayers and that he had written those words of encouragement to me at that time. My testimony about prayer has increased so much since that time and whenever i receive a NO for an answer my thoughts are always brought to that beautiful experience i had with my Heavenly Father.

 4.  What are your following favorites:

·  Dessert - Ryan's triple layer chocolate cheesecake
·  Hobbies - Biking, puzzles, putting things together, playing games
·  Scripture - Joshua 24:15 and 2 Nephi 4 Nephi's psalms

Thanks so much for sharing with us Alejandra!  

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Blog Updates

Hi Everyone,

Good news... we've made improvements to the blog!  You can now find the activities and Sunday lesson schedules on the right.  And also on the right we have added a resource section for new sisters moving into the ward.  We hope you like the improvements.

Kate and Ashley

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Called to Serve Relief Society Meeting

Dear Sisters,

We had a great evening,  the Spirit was strong.  This meeting was about missionary work and how important it is to be a good friend to everyone, young and old, nonmembers and members. 

Kristy Budge shared her conversion story.  She spoke of the importance of ward support and feeling loved and valued.  She shared many experiences of ward members helping her and her family.  She reminded us all to never assume that people are taken care of and to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Ashley Williams also shared her conversion story. She spoke of the value of friendship.  At a young age Ashley and her family received the missionary discussions and were baptized.  She recounted feeling the spirit and her family growing closer together.  Those blessings only lasted a short while.  Her family became inactive.   Ashley grew up longing to have the gospel in her life. In college Ashley started attending church, but felt years behind the other sisters in gospel preparation.  She went through periods of not attending church. It wasn't until members of the church extended their friendship to her that she was able to overcome these feelings.  Ashley said she is forever grateful to those kind sisters.  Now she is married and has a little boy and is so happy he is being raised with the gospel in his life.

Both Lindsey Smith and Lindsey King shared experiences from their missions and spoke of ways we can do missionary work. Lindsey Smith testified that we should be good examples to our families and those we visit teach.  She said to extend the hand of friendship and invite people to activities. Some great ideas she shared were: to keep pass-along cards in your purse, and study the words of Christ daily to bring the spirit into your lives.  By doing these things    we are better prepared to share the gospel.  Lindsey King said FRIENDSHIP is the key to sharing the gospel.  She shared that if we want people to feel the pure love of Christ, we must be a true friend.  We also should strive to be the friend that we would love to have.

Laura Foster spoke about an experience during her mission in Russia.  While she was there she saw a faithful sister work to bring back a less active friend.  Through her efforts she was able to rekindle her friend's testimony, and see her embrace the gospel.  As time passed the the tables turned and the once faithful sister fell into inactivity, and previously inactive sister has made it her duty to bring the joy of the gospel back into her friend's life. Laura testified of the importance of bolstering each other's testimonies, and helping one another through trials.

Annie Jordan talked about the missions she and her husband have served.  She talked about how to prepare for a mission, spiritually, emotionally and temporally. She also shared some of her favorite scriptures Proverbs 3: 5-6.  

Dorthy McVae shared experiences from her mission.  She served in the Family History Center in SLC.  She wanted to do something to thank the Lord for His goodness to her.  She shared how service drew her closer to the Lord.  She talked about the concerns she had with leaving her home behind, but it all worked out. She is grateful for the experience and would recommend to anyone to serve a mission.

Dana Erickson spoke about how to prepare your sons for missions.  She currently has a son who is out serving a mission.  She focused on the importance of raising your family with gospel principles. She said her son grew up with a desire to serve the Lord.  She also said she has learned so much from reading her son's letters. Preparing and seeing her son serve a mission has greatly increased her testimony of the gospel.

Julianne Harmon spoke about teaching your children the meaning of the word "missionary". She shared a cute story about how she taught her little boy the meaning.  She also said to share your missionary experiences with your children and let them see you being a missionary and the joy it brings you and the ones you are helping.  She said if you have a family member or know someone on a mission talk about it with your children and read them their letters.

This truly was an inspirational meeting.  We hope you all will attend the next one. 

Thank you everyone for coming, and to all those who shared their experiences and testimonies with us. You brought a wonderful spirit to the meeting. 

Here are the yummy dinner recipes:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

canning basics class

Last Thursday, Melissa McAfee gave a very informative class on canning basics. Melissa taught about canning equipment, preparation of jars and food, the different methods of canning and when you use each one, as well as some tricks she has learned over the years. She also shared some items that she had recently canned, black beans, green beans and jam. Everything tasted very fresh and delicious! The best resource, Melissa suggested, if you would like to begin canning is:

Melissa and her husband are avid, self taught canners and have learned a lot of things the hard way. Both of them are a fabulous resource if you have questions about canning. Melissa also shared where she gets all of her vegetables that she cans. Canning is a great way to start or add to your food storage.

In regards to food storage, there is an article in the March 2012 Ensign on food storage by Emily Jamison, "Everyday Home Storage." Additionally, the Stake has an upcoming activities that is worth noting.

On September 15th, there will be a Stake Preparedness Fair at the Stake Center, from 1pm till 5pm.

On Friday, Sept 14th at 7pm, the evening before the Fair, our Stake is bringing in a special guest speaker, Wendy DeWitt, a noted expert on home storage for an Stake Adult Fireside. There are many videos on/about/by Sis DeWitt on YouTube and she maintains a food storage blog at: